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Q: What type of sturcture in the body would have many RER in its cells?
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How many chromosomes are in human kidney cells?

Human kidney cells are body cells, so they would have 46 chromosomes.

Wheat has 42 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are in their body cells?

The 'body' cells have 42 chromosomes. The sex cells would have 21 chromosomes. 3 X 7

How many different kinds of cells are in the body?

Well there aren't multiple cell in the body, i think you are trying to ask how many "cells" are in the body. I believe this question would confuse those that are grammatically educated.

If the body cells have 12 chromosomes how many will the sex cell have?

A house fly has 12 chromosome in their body cells and half that number (6) in their sex cells.

If the body cells of an organism have 20 chromosomes then the sex cells produced during meiosis would have how many chromosomes?


What is the sturcture of mitochondria?

Mitochondria are tube-like structures with many folds.

Why does the body be made of many types of cell?

Cells are the basic unit of life.Without them you would not have a tissue,a organ,or an organ system.You would die without cells.

How many blood cells are in your body?

there are 15 billion blood cells in your body

How many blood cells are your body?

there are 15 billion blood cells in your body

How many cells are in the adult body?

there are approximately 100 trillion cells in our body.

Does eating too much salt kill good cells in your body?

If you ate way too much salt than your body would start to dry out and so would some of your cells. But many cells thrive on the right amount of salt.

Why is it important sex cells have half the number of chromosomesas body cells?

This is important because two sex cells become fertilized and join together to form the new organism. If sex cells had the same number of chromosomes as body cells, then offspring would have twice as many chromosomes as a normal animal would.