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i think its a sedimentary rock

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Q: What type of rock is limestone and how does it form?
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What type of rock do karst form in?

it is formed by carbonate rock and slightyly acidic water

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What type of rock is Limestone made from Shells?

carbonaceous shells form limestone which in this case is a bio-chemical sedimentary rock

What type of rock is limestone?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock.

The shell of oysters collect on the ocean floor. What type of rock is going to form?

Eventually they will form limestone, a sedimentary rock.

What type of rock travels in liquid form?

Limestone dissolves in water and travels.

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What type of deposit form limestone caves?

They don't! Deposits don't form caves, but limestone is a sedimentary rock formed from marine or lacustrine deposits. Caves form within limestone by dissolution of its calcium carbonate by ground-water flowing through the rock's joints, bedding-planes and faults.

Is limestone chemical sedimentary rock?

It can be. Limestone can be derived from precipitating minerals, in which case it is a chemical sedimentary rock. It can also be formed from the remains of marine organisms, in which case it is described as a bioclastic sedimentary rock, a form of detrital rock.

Is limestone a metallic or a nonmetallic mineral?

Limestone is not a metal, it is a type of rock.

What sedimentary rocks form from sediments being cemented together?

All types of rock (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary) can be eroded and deposited to form the constituents of sedimentary rocks.