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The cell created by fertilisation is called a zygote.

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diploid zygote

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A zygote.

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Q: What type of cells are produced after fertilization occurs and the gametes combine?
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Fertilization occurs when the chromosomes of gametes combine true or false?


When does a zygote develop?

A zygote is developed during fertilization - a process that occurs when two haploid gametes (or sex cells) combine. In more general terms, the zygote is formed when the sperm meets the egg.

What is the site of fertilization in human beings?

In humans, fertilization or union of gametes (sperm and ova) occurs in the anterior part of oviduct and zygote is formed

Explain how fertilization produces a new individual?

whe fertilization occurs a fertilized egg , or zygoto is produced.

How many gametes are produced when meiosis occurs in 1 reproductive cell?


How many gametes are produced when meiosis occurs in one reproductive cell?


What is an Example of an organism that uses internal fertilization?

These terms are fairly intuitive. External means outside. Internal means inside. Fertilization occurs when the male gamete (sperm) meets the female gamete (egg). External fertilization is fertilization that occurs outside the body, whereas internal fertilization is fertilization that occurs inside the body (usually the body of the female).

How does fertilization?

Fertilization means that the male and female gametes (reproductive cells) must come together. The details vary among different species; in humans, and many animals, this occurs through sexual intercourse, while in most plants, usually either the wind or insects carry the male gametes to the female ones.

In sexual reproduction two haploid gametes typically fuse to produce a diploid zygote?

Meosis is the process that brings about the generation of gametes. In meosis, there are two reductional divisions that result in the daughter cells having haploid number of chromosomes.

What occurs when a male and female gamete form to make a new living organism?

its sexual reproduction, aye hit me up on instagram @yaboyiggy thanks

What are the 2 types of fertilizers?

Internal fertilization and external fertilizationinternal means When the fusion of the male and female gamete occurs within the female genital tract it is called internal fertilization. This type of fertilization occurs in all terrestrial animals both oviparous and viviparous. Reptiles, Birds and mammals show internal fertilization external fertilizationThe fusiri of the gametes occurs outside the body of the animal and is common in aquatic animals. In bony fishes, frogs, echinoderms the sperms and ova are released into the water and their union occurs by Chromosome number of few chance. Since fertilization occurs outside the body of the animal externally, this method is called external fertilization.

Fertilization normally occurs where?

Fertilization normally occurs in the fallopian tubes. The sperm swim to the fallopian tubes and wait for ovulation to occur, they then swim to meet the egg. Once fertilization occurs the fertilized egg travel down to the uterus where it implants, and this is when a female is pregnant. In higher plants (angiosperms) fertilization occurs in the embryo sac. Out of two male gametes released from the pollen tube one fuses with the egg while the other one fuses with secondary nucleus (secondary nucleus is formed by the fusion of two polar nuclei). Thus, double fertilization occurs in such plants. The embryo develops from the zygote and the endosperm develops from triple fusion.