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Odysseus came up with the following plan:

the Greeks were to build a huge hollow wooden horse, fill it with warriors

and leave it before the gates of Troy. Then they had to pretend

to leave for home, but sail back in the night and be let in by the warriors

from the horse and finally destroy the city, putting an end to the war.

The plan, as is well known, worked perfectly.

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12y ago

For a long time the battle was only held outside the walls of Troy. But after many years of warfare, Odysseus finally came up with a plan of the Trojan horse. A wild tale was concocted that would lead the Trojans to believe that they must allow the entrance of the horse. When night came and the Trojans were all asleep after their drunken celebration, the Greek soldiers came out of the horse and put fire on the houses and killed most of the Trojans before the latter learned that they were tricked.

Another answer:

The Greeks after 10 years of war pretended that they were about to leave the battle field of Troy to their homeland. Before they do so they performed all the rituals for a successful return at home.

They prepared a wooden horse statue taller than the city walls of Troy dedicated to gods for their assistance during the years of war and as a present for a safe return to homeland. Twelve men were hidden in the statue's belly.

The Greeks burned all installations of their campus and early morning left the shore.

After several hours the Trojans were discussing about the departure of Greeks and what should happen to their present to gods. Some were saying that it should be burned, some that it should be respected and take it to the city's temple since it was a present for the gods even if they had to bring down the city wall.

Laokoon and his children who were against the statue's transportation within the city walls were killed by enormous snakes. This event was considered as god's sign that the statue should be within the city walls and the Trojans brought it in after the city wall was dismantled.

The Greeks on their colleague's signal returned to Troy and entered the city.

In the battle every body was killed or enslaved except Aeneas who managed to flee to Italy with his family and battle colleagues, a story that was told by Virgil in the epic poem of Aeneid.

That is the way the Iliad ends and a new epic poem will tell us the story of the Odysseus adventurous return to Ithaca.


The Iliad ends before the Trojan horse story.

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10y ago

They built a big wooden horse, they gave it to the king as a gift that they surrendered, and all the Greeks where hiding in the horse and after the horse was taken in to Troy all the Greeks jumped out let other Greeks in. Then they all attacked Troy and won.

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10y ago

They used the famous Trojan horse. The e Greeks built a huge wooden horse, and hid selected soldiers inside it. Then they pretended to sail away. The Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night the soldiers crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, which had sailed back under cover of night. The Greeks entered and destroyed the city.

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13y ago

the Greeks built a huge wooden horse to trick the Trojans

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