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Ferdinand Magellan tried to circle the globe but died along the way. Other explorers established the trade route.

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Q: What trade route did Ferdinand Magellan establish?
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Country Magellan sailed for?

there! Ferdinand Magellan was Portuguese, but sailed for Spain (under Spanish King Charles the First) to find an alternate spice trade route to India (instead of using Portugal's route)

What did Ferdinand Magellan conquer?

Ferdinand Magellan conquered the important trade routes mostly on the right side of South America.

What trade exchange did Ferdinand Magellan do?

He traded spices.

What countries did Ferdinand Magellan conquer?

Ferdinand Magellan conquered the important trade routes mostly on the right side of South America.

What was the purpose of the expedition that Ferdinand Magellan went on?

magellan's objective for his expedition is to find the spice islands..

What was Magellans reason for exploration?

Ferdinand Magellan's original reason for exploration was to reach the spice islands.

Did Ferdinand Magellan conquer land?

yes he conquered many of the important trade routes.

Why did Ferdinad Magellan sail?

Magellan sailed because he wanted to find a western trade route to Asia.

Why did Magellan need a westward route?

Magellan, and other Europeans, wanted a westward route to China and the Orient because the established overland trade route to the East was being restricted by the Muslim empires that straddled it.

What did ferginand Magellan discover?

Ferdinand Magellan discovered the passage between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans at the tip of South America, now called the Straits of MagellanHe also discovered and named the Pacific Ocean

Did Ferdinand Magellan trade goods with anybody?

No because he didnt make it to Spice Island because he died if he didnt die and made it back in time with the spices. The spices were what he would of traded.

Why did Isabella i and Ferdinand ll pay for Columbus's first journey?

They hoped he would find a new trade route to Asia.