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I am concerned that you WANT to be induced. What's the hurry? Babies come when BABIES are ready. To induce just because your ESTIMATED due date is a certain day is not in your, or the baby's, best interest. Induction is painful and can result in a much longer labour and more difficult delivery because you are forcing your body to do something it is not yet ready for. Trust your own body to know when the time is right to give birth. If your doctor INSISTS on induction, have him/her wait for at least 10 days post-dates (past your due date) before attempting induction. It doesn't always work which results in more medical interventions, which OFTEN result in having a cesarean section. This is why the C-section rate is approaching 35% in many hospitals today. A C-section is MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY -- much more major than having your appendix out, for instance. Many complications can and do arise from C-sections. Let nature take her own course and have patience....your baby will come to meet you when all systems are "GO"!

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"I want to be induced " would be a first suggestion. If he says no he probably has a good medical reason for it (it being better for you and your baby), in which case I suggest you trust his judgement.

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Q: What to tell doctor to get labor induced at 40 weeks?
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== == == == == == == == The doctors and many people tell you any where from now to 2 weeks.

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Hello, Jamison here, As A rule it is not A good idea to induce or allow labor early, Only YOUR personal doctor can tell you if you need to give birth early, There are A LOT of factors to concider when talking about labor,,,,,,,,, My wife was 6 months early, She and her twin sister were The eariest babies in the county where they were born in Cali. in 1982, There were all sorts of complications for the two babies that TOGETHER WEIGHED LESS THAN 3 POUNDS at birth.,,,,,,,,,,,,, Good luck, Jamison. If you have been working closely with your doctor and the baby is a good weight and you are naturally going into contractions then you and your baby will be fine. Your doctor will decide on what is best for you and your baby. New mothers can have false labor and be in and out of the hospital expecting to give birth sometimes once or twice. Sometimes the doctor is forced to enduce labor or perform a C-Section if the baby has not dropped and there is no indication of the baby being born two weeks after the due date.

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It totally depends! If you think you are going into labor, call your doctor or just go into the hospital. They will be able to tell you. I was 3 cm dilated for weeks and weeks! I got up to 70% effaced by 38 weeks. I went into labor and went into the hospital, however they sent me home because I didn't dilate past 3 cm in the entire hour I was there. 6 hours later I had my baby! So it happened very quickly for me. Pretty much RIGHT when I got home from my first trip to the hospital I started going into true and hard labor! Good Luck. :)

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