

What to angles make a right angle?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What to angles make a right angle?
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What two angle make a right angle?

Any two angles that total 90 degrees will make up a right angle. Two 45 degree angles will make a right angle - 90 degrees. Also an angle of 30 degrees and another angle of 60 degrees will make up a right angle.

What is the supplement of a acute angle?

First, an acute angle is an Angle that is less than a right angle (<90°) Secondly, an obtuse angle is one that is more than a right angle but less then a straight angle (<180°) then, the complementary angles of a pair of angles is 90° or a Right angle and the complement of an acute angle is the amount needed of an unknown angle (against known angles) to make 90° or a right angle a supplementary angle are a pair of angles which, when Added together, make 180° or a straight line. and the suplement to an angle is the value of an unknow angle to to be added on to make 180°

How are angles and squares alike?

An angle is like acute angle, right angle, and obtuse angle. It takes 4 right angles 2 make a square. So no an angle is not like a square.

How many right angle make 270 degrees?

A right angle is 900, so 2700 make three right angles.

What angles make a right triangle?

One angle must be 90o, which is the right angle. The sum of the other two angles must equal 90o.

A triangle with two acute can be called a right angle?

Right triangles have two acute angles, but that doesn't make them right. Having a right angle makes them right.

How many right angles are needed to form a straight angle?

A straight angle is a line which has an angle of 180 degrees therefore two right angles (90 degrees) make a line.

What shape has Three right angles and one acute angle and one obtuse angle?

you cannot make a regular shape which has 3 right angles only, you will always end up with 4 right angles

What 2 angles make a right angle?

two supplementary angles * * * * * NO! Supplementary angles sum to 180 degrees = 2 right angles. The correct answer is complementary angles.

Do angles abc make a right angle?

Angle abc will form a right angle if and only if, segment ab is perpendicular to segment bc.

Does a right angled triangle is one angle always a right angle?

Yes. A right triangle is a triangle where one angle is a right angle. If two out of three angles are right angles, then it's an isosceles triangle. If all three angles are right angles, then it is an equilateral triangle.

How many 30 degree angles make a right angle?