

What time period was the religion Shinto discovered?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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289 b.C

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Q: What time period was the religion Shinto discovered?
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Who is the founder of the Shinto religion?

No one; from what I have read, it evolved with the people of Japan. Shinto(ism) also has no official formalized system of doctrine or sacred texts. There is debate on the time period when Shinto originated,

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Shinto was the original religion of Japan. It consisted of myths to explain how things worked and the world was created. Later, Buddhism was introduced, which offered a set of guidelines for how to live one's life, and then Buddhism and Shinto coexisted in Japan.

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Shinto is a religion of being sincere, putting things in nature on a godly level, and of practicing the ways of ancient Japan, so it is worshipped all the time, wherever the Shinto worshipper is.

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Judaism (and Christianity through it's relation). Actually Hinduism predates them both by about 45000 yrs. , unless you are a christian who believes this world is only a few thousand years old. But scientist estimate this time frame based on religious artifacts.

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no spasific time

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What is the Shinto time of origin?

no spasific time