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There are tests, but it is usually quite obvious, twitching, strange noises. But none of this is evident in the persons sleep. The twitching and noises are going to be consistent.

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Q: What test can be performed on the mother to see if the child your have tourettes?
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Can a DNA test be performed on a child if the mother thinks the father may be her half brother?

Yes.Everyones DNA is unique.

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How can I prove you are your mother's child?

blood or dna test. Blood Test.

You want a DNA test to prove im the dad but the mother of child wont have one?

A DNA test is used in situations when paternity is contested. That is if someone gets a lady pregnant and claims it is not his baby, the mother can insist on a DNA test for purposes of child support. If the mother is the biological mother of the child, the test will be stupid since she had the baby to begin with

How do people with tourettes take a test?

they have to be relaxed and just focus on the test. don't think about anything but the test and it makes it easier.

If the biological mother refuses to go for a paternity test?

If you are a legal guardian of the child then you can take the child and go get a paternity test yourself.

Can a mother use the father's last name if they were never married?

In Utah, if father isn't present at the birth of child, a paternity test has to be performed in order to list him on birth certificate.

What can the mother do to the father if the test shows it is his child?

Well the mother has to allow the father to see the child a little bit and the judge will decide how though!

How can one know his child without DNA test?

If you don't trust the mother a DNA test is the only way I guess. The child can also look like you.

Do yo have to pay child support in Texas if there is no paternity test proving the child is yours?

In most states, if you were married to the mother of the child at the time of the birth of the child you are automatically assumed by the courts to be the father. Also, if you were unmarried at the time of the child's birth but the mother listed you as the father, you can be sued for child support unless you request a paternity test from the court.

Can an ex force the mother to have a paternity test on her child?

If the man has access to the child, the mother need not know, using a test kit. But, to stop child support, this cannot be done in 20 states under any circumstances, and has to be done with the first 24 months in the other 30.

If the mother did not change the childs last name after the dna test does that end child support?