

What color will reflect all colors?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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The color that we see is not the color of the object in question, but the color of the light it reflects. This means that a "green object" absorbs all colors of the visible spectrum except for green light, which it reflects back to our eyes. White light is the combination of the entire visible spectrum combined. Thus a "white object" reflects all colors of light. On the opposite side of this question, a "black object" absorbs all colors of light, because "black" is the absence of color.

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White. Though technically white is not a color.

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Q: What color will reflect all colors?
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since black aborbs all colors it has no color

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The color of an object is determined by the color/s that it reflects. All other colors are absorbed. White objects reflect all colors, and black objects do not reflect any colors.

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All colors except Blue

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Black does not reflect. It absorbs all colors of light.

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Black is the color that really absorbs the sun. Since its dark only light colors will reflect the sun.

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Colors reflect of a surface, and the other colors are absorbed, say it was a blue dress. All the other colors would be absorbed, and blue would reflect so you could see it.

When an object is in the sunlight why do you see its color?

Sunlight is a mix of all colors. Pigments in the object reflect different colors of light, which you see.

Why does the sun reflect off of white and not black?

-- Where you see white, you see a surface that reflects all colors. If it didn't reflect all colors, you would see only the colors that it does reflect. -- Black is not a color. It's the absence of light. An object that appears black to you is one that absorbs light of all colors, so there's no light remaining to proceed from it to your eyes.

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A black road does not reflect any visible light, although it may reflect radiation at invisible wavelengths, such as heat.

What colors does white paper reflect?

White light is made up of all the colors. If a paper is white, it is reflecting all the colors of light. We know that the color of an object is determined by the color(s) of light it reflects. If an object is green, for example, it reflects green light and absorbs all other colors.

Which colors are reflected by a red shirt?

A red shirt does not reflect color.