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Q: What structures do viruses have that allow them to identify a specific type of cell and attach to it?
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What structure do viruses have that allow them to identify a specific type of cell and attach to it?


What is the part of the cell that viruses invade?

Viruses can infect animals, plants and bacteria, and the attachments vary. In animal viruses: Animal cells have a cell membrane. Viruses attach to certain proteins in that membrane. In plant viruses: Plants can also be infected with viruses. Since they have cell walls, viruses attach to those when infecting plants. In bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria): Special viruses called bacteriophages attach to the cell walls of bacteria by way of proteins.

What are the string-like structures that attach to the atrioventricular valves of the heart?

Chordae tendinae are the string-like structures that attach to the AV valves of the heart.

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What can viruses attach themselves to?

Computer viruses can be attached to e-mail messages, address books, and attachments.

What site do viruses attach to?

They don't attach to sites, they attach to links or downloads. When you open up the software from a link or download, your computer is "infected."

How do viruses attach themselvs to host cells?

Viruses have to attach them selves by way of a protein called a recognition factor. They bind to receptors on the host cell and then lose their capsid (coat).

How do you stop viruses on Facebook?

Attach a firewall or download a safe hard

Where do viruses and bacteria that cause meningitis attach and multiply first?

In the nasopharynx

What is piggybacking?

While worms do not need another program to attach themselves to, viruses do. Piggybacking refers to the way that viruses infect or attach themselves to legitimate programs or documents to sneak onto your computer and attempt to infect it.

Tendons are structures in the body that perform which function?

Attach muscle to bone.