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Try lying down or eating plain foods like crackers and such, and also drink soem carbenated water if you have any

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Q: What should you do if you have nausea?
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Is it necessary to do endoscopy for nausea?

Yes because if you have a serious problem like nausea you should get endoscopy i have!!

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Nausea is nausea so, nausea.

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No ! I made that mistake , you should not exercise after vomiting as it causes nausea and stomach cramps.

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Nausea and dizziness coupled with blood in the urine should be evaluated by a doctor. This can be a serious condition that requires medication and possibly hospitalization and testing.

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Severe pain, nausea, or vomiting should be reported to the surgeon immediately.

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A woman who is pregnant should never use a laxative. Neither should anyone who is experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.

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diarhea and nausea

Has anyone's dog experienced nausea after having the rabies vaccine?

Give it peptobismol.. that should do the trick!

Why should you keep the decontamination powder in the m291 skin decontamination kit?

It can cause nausea and vomiting.

Is hot flashes and nausea normal on birth control pills?

Nausea is common with a lot of women on birth control. As for hot flashes that's not normal something you should probably get checked out by your doctor.