

What should you do if a zombie attacks you?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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kill it.

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Q: What should you do if a zombie attacks you?
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What is the US government contingency plan for Zombie attacks?

Invade, steal zombie oil , exit.

How many zombie attacks were there?

millions soon enough.

Was there really a zombie attack in Russia?

No, there has been no verified report of a zombie attack in Russia or anywhere else. Zombie attacks are fictional and have no basis in reality.

How do you defend against zombie attacks?

Get lots of food, a mode of transportation and lots of guns and ammo

What are some games that involve zombie attacks?

Some video games that involve zombie attacks are Alive 4-Ever, All Zombies Must Die, Alone in the Dark 3, Amy, Area 51, Beast Busters and so much more.

Is the zombie attack in Russia real?

No. Zombies are just made up, and are any so-called "attacks".

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zombie hobo

Can the zombie apocalpse happen?

Small zombie attacks have occured in the past, although no full-scale apocalypse has ever happened. it is likely, however, that a zombie apocalypse will occur within the next 2-10 years, so be prepared! More info can be found aroud the internet, and in Max Brook's book, The Zombie Survival Guide.

Was there ever any record of actual zombie attacks or reanimation of the dead?

No. Or, rather, there may be records, but they're not regarded as being reliable.

What is a supernatural book?

A supernatural book is like a scary book. It may contain murders, zombie attacks or alien invasion etc.

What are large groups of software programs that run automatically on computers at the same time often to perpetrate DoS attacks?

zombie webs

Why do people have quizzes on zombie attacks when they're not real?

You never know what might pop up from the ground, there have been some zombie sighting. like in 2002 in virgin islands. so you never know what scientists might conduct