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His talent and his personality.*

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Q: What qualities did Jackson have that people admired the most?
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the thing that helped him most in his life is that lots of people admired him as there Idell or person they look up to.

What is Michael Jackson most admired about?

Most likely Thriller. I admired him for his smile, personally. I don't actually care for Thriller very much. I think people only like it because it's the only song they can name...

What quality did Andrew Jackson have that most Americans admired?

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To be the global energy company most admired for its people, partnership and performance.

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Hitler was not admired and respected by all German people. However, due to his heroic achievements during war, most Germans believed in him.

Who were the most disliked people of the 1940s?

Churchil, Rosevelt, Musolini, Stalin, Hitler. Interestingly enough they were also the most admired.

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To be the global energy company most admired for its people, partnership and performance

Why did James K. Polk become a supporter of Andrew Jackson?

Polk was a Southerner and an expansionist. He believed in the right to run the country from sea to sea. I am not so sure he wanted to expand slavery. I think he may have had some household slaves, but was not a big slave-owner.