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A brief answer is Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, BC and Ontario currently have implemented the HST. A longer answer is that Saskatchewan had it in 1991 but it was repealed when the NDP took over -- they may go back to the HST however. Manitoba and Prince Edward Island are considering it. Alberta never had any provincial sales tax to blend (those lucky guys!) Quebec has the GST, HST and a Quebec sales tax (those unlucky guys!)

I recently went into a store in BC and a lady was complaining loudly that her bill had 12% HST on it. She was yelling at the clerk that just a month earlier (before HST was implemented) the GST was only 5% and the PST was 7%. To demand 12%, the lady exclaimed, was highway robbery. The lady had thought 12% was over and above the old tax. If you added up the old taxes though, 5% plus 7% equals 12%. It was the same percentage but the lady got all bent out of shape because she misunderstood the concept. Funny isn't it?

Education is the key to understanding taxes and the services the government provides. No one likes taxes. They are here to stay however. Harmonizing the two taxes makes economic sense but it's a tough pill to swallow for many people. Many people don't understand it and they really should.

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