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fusion of gametes

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Q: What processes can be found in both bacteria and protists?
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How do the cilia and flagella of protists differ from those of bacteria?

Bacteria only have cilia while protists have both cilia and flagella.

Do bacteria decompose protists?

NO bacteria don't decompose protists instead they both are kept in different domain because protists have membrane-bounded nucleus, which bacterial cells lack.

Are protists and bacteria alike?

In one way, yes. Both bacteria and most protists are single-celled organisms. However, protists are more genetically and internally similar to animals and plants, because they have a cell nucleus, which bacteria do not have.

What same things do bacteria and protists have?

both are a fat, they all are unicellular and have ribosomes

4.What discovery is Van Leeuwenhoek noted for?

He discovered both protists and bacteria

What are the similarities of protists and viruses?

Viruses and Bacteria both have no nucleus. They are also both prokaryotes.

Is flagella a eukaryotes or a prokaryotes?

Both. Bacteria and protists are know to navigate through fluids with flagella.

What types of cells have both a cell membrane and a cell wall?

bacteria, fungi, many protists, and plants

Bacteria and protists both undergo conjugation why is this process more complex in protists than in bacteria?

Conjugation in bacteria is less complex because the DNA is only transferred to the one other cell. Conjugation in protist is more complex because the DNA from both cells are being put together to form a whole new cell.

How do protists differ from bacteria and archaea?

Protists and bacteria are two completely different kingdoms of life. Protists are eukaryotic, meaning that their DNA is stored in chromosomes within a nucleus. Bacteria are prokaryotic, and do not have nuclei. Also, protists are sort of like the miscellaneous category. There are plantlike cells (such as diatoms) and animal-like cells (such as ameoba). Bacteria and protists also have different shapes to their cells and different organelles.

How are some protists like plants?

Bacteria and plants are alike in that some bacteria (though not all) and all plants are autotrophs. Protists and plants are alike in that both are eukaryotes, meaning their cells have a defined segregated nucleus.

How are ameba and diatom alike?

They are both unicellular protists. "Protist" describes both amoeba and diatom.