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small and large plants, short grasses, and trees

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Q: What plants live in temperate continental regions?
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There are not many plants that live in the continental slope. One of the few plants that live here is algae.

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Not all species of penguins live in cold climate of Antarctica. There are at least 10 species of penguins live in temperate region. However, larger sized penguins live in colder regions and smaller penguins live in temperate regions.

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Octopi live in the temperate regions of all oceans and the Mediterranean.

What animals live in the temperate continental?

Foxes, Hares, Rabbits, Bears, Deer, Moose.

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Eagles don't live in rainforests. Most eagles live in temperate forests and polar regions.

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Eagles don't live in rainforests. Most eagles live in temperate forests and polar regions.

What kinds of plants live in temperate climates?

Decreasing amounts of sunlight

Where does a bear?

Bears live mostly in temperate forests. Polar bears live in the Arctic, and giant pandas live in mountain regions of China.