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No Taxation without Representation

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Q: What phrase became a popular cry of the colonists in response to the policies Britain used to collect money from the colonists?
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England's response to the American protests over the Stamp Act was to restrict the colonists more. Charles Townshend acted by passing an Act giving the British the right to collect. Lord North disagreed with this tactic.

Did Great Britain enforce paying taxes after the Revolutionary War?

After the Revolutionary War, the Us was an independent country and Britain had no authority to levy taxes or to collect them in the US. Of course, Britain continued to collect taxes from the remainder of its Empire.

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Why did the British feel they had to collect money from the colonists?

BcuZ they were POOR.

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Why did the government decided to tax the colonists?

Part was for profit, part was to help run and defend the colonies, and part was to repay war debts (there were many wars between when the land was first settled and when the Revolution took place).

Who proposed the townshend act?

These acts were proposed by Charles Townshend. They were designed to collect revenue from colonists.

What events led up to the crisis that developed between greatbritain and it's American colonies?

taxation without representation, the bringing of goods to the colonies which the colonies didn't ask for and didn't want to pay for, the Boston tea party, in which the British attempted to collect tax from the colonies, whereupon the colonists dumped all the tea into Boston harbor. The Britain representatives attempted to give orders to the colonists on all things, which was resented by the colonists.

Can someone collect on someone who has committed suicide?

No. Life insurance policies are usally voided in the case of suicide.

Can your brother collect your mothers life insurance with out you?

All life insurance policies specify who the beneficiaries are and what percentage each one gets, so your brother can only collect his portion.