

What period of labor is the placenta delivered?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Third step placental period from after baby is born until the placenta comes out.

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Q: What period of labor is the placenta delivered?
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Is a placenta and a womb the same thing?

No. The womb is your uterus. The placenta is what attaches the baby to the umbilical chord and provides the baby with nutrients. During labor the female will expel the placenta after the baby is delivered.

How long after delivering the baby does the placenta deliver?

After birthing the baby, you will then birth the placenta. This is the 3rd stage of labor and is also referred to as the afterbirth. The afterbirth can take a few minutes up to a half an hour.

What occurs first labor cleavage implantation gastrulation or formation of placenta?

cleavage->gastrulation->implantation->formation of placenta->first labor

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What are the four types of labor?

Types? Do you mean stages? If you mean stages, its first, second, and third. First stage is early labor, second stage is active labor (the stage where the baby comes out) and third stage is when the placenta is delivered. Then there's false labor, which can seem like early labor but fizzles out before it progresses into anything.

How does the umbilical cord come out of the mom Will it fall out or do you have to cut it out?

The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, which develops to nourish the fetus. During gestation, the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus. However, after the baby is delivered the placenta detaches from the wall of the uterus and is delivered through the mother's vagina via contractions of the uterus like those that delivered the baby. The delivery of the placenta is the third stage of labor. Complications can arise if the placenta does not detach properly, or if is positioned such that it delivers before the baby. Severe bleeding and maternal death could result. In Western cultures, the umbilical cord is generally cut soon after the baby is delivered and the placenta and umbilical cord are disposed of following delivery. However, blood stem cells can be harvested from the cord for medical treatments. Also, some cultures allow the baby to remain attached to the placenta and umbilical cord until it degrades naturally. Some people also keep the placenta and have the mother consume it, or they plant it int he ground with a tree to nourish the tree or it is saved as a keepsake.

Does the womb come out with the baby on delivery?

no. the placenta is delivered after the baby comes out.

Where placenta is located?

In normal pregnancy, the placenta is located at the top of the uterus, above the baby. So the placenta would be delivered after the baby. Placenta Previa is when the placenta forms in the lower part of the uterus, partially or totally covering the opening of the cervix. In this condition, the placenta would be delivered first during a vaginal delivery. Women with Placenta Previa require delivery by cesarean section, because as soon as the umbilical cord reaches oxygen, the baby will automatically use his lungs to breathe. So, if the placenta were to be delivered first, the umbilical cord would reach oxygen and the baby would be in the womb suffocating because the lack of oxygen.

What is the order of giving birth?

The waters break The baby is delivered The placenta follows

What is the Medical term meaning after birth?

Perinatal is the time period surrounding birth. Peri- means around, and natal means birth. The time from conception to just prior to the start of labor is prenatal. The time from the start of active labor to the passage of the placenta is perinatal. After the placenta is passed is postnatal.

During which prenatal period are the placenta and umbilical chord formed?

embryonic period

How long after the baby is born is the placenta usually delivered?

25 to 40 minute