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According to Wikipedia, between 60% and 70% percent of the English language is of "French or Oil Language origin, most derived from, or transmitted by, the Anglo-Norman spoken by the upper classes in England for several hundred years after the Norman Conquest, before the language settled into what became Modern English."

See the related links for a list of words we use in English that stem from French.

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Q: What percentage of English words come from French?
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How can i speak English without using french?

this would be pretty difficult as many English words come from French. There would be no more bacon, groceries or flirting.

What do all words have in common?

all words in the English language, always have 1 or more vowels, all words have meanings, and English words usually come from, Greek, Latin, or the French language.

What is the percentage of non-English words in the modern English language?

38 I believe at the moment, but the English language is forever changing, so may not be the same in years to come,

What are words that end with re that come from french we use in English?

The only words I can think of at the moment are: "genre" and "entendre" (as in "double-entendre") Will add more as they come to mind.

What is 'Come to the party' when translated from English to French?

"Come to the party!" in English is Venez à la fête! in French.

From where do many of your English words come?

from were come english words (im russian)

Is the French language is based on the Gaul language?

Just some words come from Gaul, like car in English or char in French, French language is mainly a Latin language

Where does the 'w' in French come from?

The letter 'w' is pronounced as 'double ve'. The letter comes from the non-French and non-Romance language words that add to French vocabularly. Many of the words are of German, English or Arabic origin.

What is French?

French is the English adjective that applies to the language, people and things of France. The word is almost always capitalized (one exception is french fries).Many words in English come from French, and many have retained their French spelling and/or pronunciation. The term for a man from France is Frenchman.

Where did pardon your french come from?

It came from English speakers using French words in conversation, and apologizing for it (due to listeners not knowing what the words meant). It is now used whenever someone swears, in an attempt to disguise the word as being French.

When did the English borrow the French language?

Assuming by "borrow" adopt is meant, never. Beginning with the Norman Conquest in 1066, a Germanic-influenced form of Old French, called Norman French became the official language of England although Latin was used in law and in ecclesiastical circles. This led to the eventual emergence of Modern English, which has many French words and uses some French grammar, but it has to be remembered that English has borrowed words from many languages, and French words in English use have come into the language at different times and from different dialects. Answer The English borrowed French for a short time, but gave it back.

Why did English words come from the Latin?

Many English words came from Latin like many other languages use older languages for their own. Much of English that comes from Latin comes from French, which even older than English, and heavily based on Latin.