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It depends on many, many things...not the least of which is what you consider tax. Many people group all their withholdings as a type of tax, but many may not be. Workers Comp, Unemployment, even FICA are all really more an insurance payment than a withholding against an income tax. Two people, living next door to each other in idetical houses, and working for the same wage at the same job would almost always have different tax situations, owe different amounts, and hence, have different amounts withheld. Sometimes by substantial amounts. The amount of tax withheld also depends on may things...obviously which state (or even city) your in, the amount of income your projected on earning over the year (and includes many more things than just your employment income - and which benefits you may select, etc), that helps determine your tax bracket and the percent that may be needed, as well as your filing status, number of dependents and other deductions (medical expenses, mortgage costs, investment losses/gains, etc). All these things can be adjusted for your circumstances by properly and completely filling out (or changing) the Form W-4 all employers ask you to. There are a number of different legal ways for the payroll provider to calculate certain aspects of the amount to withhold...but overall they make only a small difference. Remember, anything withheld is just being done as an estimated installment payment toward whatever tax, if any, you do ultimately owe. If too much is withheld, it is refunded. (Too little, and you could pay a penalty). Again, adjusting your W-4 is the way to correct for any of these circumstances.

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Q: What percentage is taken out of your check for state and federal taxes?
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How federal tax is taken out of your check in the state of Texas?

The amount of federal tax that is taken out of your check in the state of Texas depends on your tax situation. Typically, you can except between 10 and 20 percent to be taken out for federal taxes.

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If your pension is your and your spouse's only income, Federal, 10%. Many States do not tax retirement income - you will need to check with your State.

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In Minnesota What percentage of state and federal is taken out of your wages?

In Minnesota, the amount of state and federal tax taken out of wages depends on a few things. It depends on a person's filing status, how many dependents they have, and how much money they actually gross. To be on the safe side, a person can estimate that at least 25% of a person's pay check is going to be deducted for tax purposes.

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Yes and the state doesn't matter on federal income tax returns. Federal is federal and state is state.

Can federal tax refund be taken by state of ca?

Federal no; the other , yes.

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Can you still file income taxes even though no federal taxes were taken out of check?

What percentage is taken out of a paycheck for state taxes?

it would depend on the state

Can your state refund be taken by a federal loan?

yes they can take it for that

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Yes they are withheld from your gross pay.

Do they take any other money out of the total lottery winnings besides taxes?

in michigan you have to pay city state and federal taxes it is taken out of your paymentif you dont have city taxes taken out of your check you must report it to the city if there is a city tax