

Best Answer

To remove coffee, tea and other stains from your teeth, use baking soda. Mix baking soda with a small amount of water, to make a paste. Brush your teeth with the paste, and rinse. Repeat daily, until you see a difference.

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Q: What other solution can be used to remove stain from teeth?
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Yes, just like coffee and tea, cola and other "dark sodas" can stain your teeth. Carmel coloring and sugar rots teeth too.

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Absolutely not!!!! Blood cannot stain your teeth!!! I'm a dental hygienist!

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Stain them.

How does iced tea effect your teeth?

it stains your teeth yes it can also deteriorate them ( srry i am a terrible speller ) but the last answer is highly uncommon it will stain your teeth but there is a simple solution: brush your teeth frequently and try some sort of advanced white tooth paste if your current one isn't helping, a friend of mine drinks "stain causing drinks" through a straw and that seems to help her : )

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WineNaps. They are great for removing red wine stains from teeth and lips. wine naps

Will soda pop hurt or stain your teeth?

yes but not hurt your teeth

Why does water not stain teeth?

Because it has flouride in it. That makes teeth stronger.