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Cancer of the blood, Cancer of the bone marrow

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Q: What is another name for leukemia?
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Can aml leukemia be transferred from person to person?

Absolutely not. Leukemia is a form of blood or bone marrow cancer and is not transmitted through needles, sex or any other methods, unlike AIDS and HIV. I know because my loving husband has lived with it bravely for years.

What is the technical name for Leukemia?

Leukemia. The word is fairly broad and covers a range of more specific diseases, each of which has its own distinct technical name.

How does acute lymphoblastic leukemia arise?

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia arises due to attachment of a broken part of one chromosome to another.

What is the name for an infection in the bone and bone marrow?


Where did the disease leukemia get its name?

Leukemia was named in 1845. The name refers to the fact that it generally affects white blood cells, and comes from the Greek leukos ("white"), and haima, ("blood")

What is the name for too many white blood cells?

You catch a type of cancer called Leukemia. The cure is you need another bone marrow to replace your other one.

What are test for leukemia?

The most accurate testing for Leukemia is by the patient having a Bone Marrow Biopsy. Leukemia is a general name for up to 77 different diseases (cancer) of the blood and/or blood producing organs.

How does Hairy cell leukemia get its name?

It is called hairy cell leukemia because the cells have tiny hair-like projections when viewed under the microscope

The name for what disease literally means white blood in Greek?


What is the other name for leukemia?

Second name for the leukemia is blood cancer or bone marrow cancer characterized by abnormal increase in blood cells usually leukocytes.

What could you do to get rid of leukemia?

As with cancer, leukemia is considered 'permanent' - something that can go into remission, but will generally stay with you forever. There are ways to get leukemia under control (after 5 years of remission, medical staff usually consider leukemia 'cured'), depending on the severity and type of leukemia. The most common methods consist of regularly taking prescribed medicine for it and going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Afterwards, you'll have to see whether or not the treatment(s) successfully forced the leukemia into remission. If not, then the patient will have to go for another round, either until the leukemia goes into remission or until the medical staff decide that it is a hopeless case. Leukemia may, despite being in remission for a while, still resurface no matter the state your body is in.

Is leukemia a noun?

Yes. It is the name of a disease. A disease is a thing. Therefore it is a noun.