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i think it was UP

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Q: What movie had the kid in a cape and goggles on an elevator that pushed all the buttons?
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She gets off on 23. John and her were supposed to meet there but he was delayed by an annoying kids that pressed all the buttons.

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i would hate to be stuck in an elevator with the movie character the joker cuz he's as much as i like watching him in the dark knight i would not want to be stuck in and elevator with someone so dangerous and insane

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What is the movie where there is a man on top of an elevator and then he gets killed as it rides to the top?

That sounds like the first mission impossible movie, there's a scene in the beginning where Jack (emilio estevez) is on top of an elevator and it starts to go up at rapid speed and dies when something that I assume to prevent the elevator hitting the top of the elevator shaft comes down and kills him between that and the top of the elevator. This is my best guess anyway, I hoped this helped you out.

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Mickey Mouse has two buttons on his pants.

Why does Pinocchio have buttons on his pants in the Disney movie Pinocchio?

In the time setting of the Pinocchio movie, zippers had not been invented. Boys wore pants or shorts with straps that were attached by buttons, so Pinocchio was designed with shorts that had straps that were attached by buttons.

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Time at the Top (Jim Kaufman 1999)

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Tower of Terror