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Q: What monotheistic reliogions arose out of the middle east through the influence of zoroastrianism?
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What religious belief most influenced both Christianity and Islam?

AnswerCertainly, Judaism influenced both Christianity and Islam - they have their roots in Judaism. Some say that Zoroastrianism also had a considerable influence on both religions, both directly and indirectly, through its influence on Judaism.

What are some similarities between Zoroastrianism and Islam?

A:Of course, both religions are monotheistic, with Islam worshipping the Abrahamic God and Zoroastrianism worshipping Ahura Mazda. In addition, Judaism adopted several important concepts from the Zoroastrian religion of the Persians during the Babylonian Exile, and these were in turn passed down to Christianity and then Islam. These concepts include the devil, angels, heaven as a place of reward for the righteous and hell as a place of punishment, and the Day of Judgement. Through later contact, Islam also adopted details of the bridge of judgement (Sarat) and the five times daily prayers.

What Persian religious philosophies help explain behavior?

the Islam through Zoroastrianism

Are many religions monotheistic?

A:No. Over the course of time, polytheism has been more common. The first known monotheistic religion was Zoroastrianism, the religion that became known to us through Cyrus the Great of Persia.Ancient Egypt briefly adopted a monotheistic worship of Aten, but this did not survive the reign of Akhenaten.Judaism became monotheistic, probably in the seventh century BCE, although some scholars say that monotheism actually became the standard during the Babylonian Exile. Judaism was the forerunner of a number of later monotheistic religions, including Mandaeanism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and Bahai.The Greek philosophers toyed with the idea of an unidentified creator god, defining what could be regarded as a philosophical form of monotheistic deism. Monotheistic deism was revived during the Enlightenment period of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and had strong support among some of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Deism lost ground with the end of the Enlightenment.

How were the early religions of Judaism and Zoroastrianism alike?

Judaism is strictly monotheistic, while Zoroastrianism is somewhat dualist (with a strong anti-God). However, Zoroastrianism has a streak of messianism in it along with belief in an afterlife with heaven and hell. These are comparable to the messianism of second-Temple Judaism, and and some speculate that these elements were picked up by the Jewish community during the Babylonian exile. Interaction between Jews and Zoroastrians may have begun then, but it continued through the redaction of the Babylonian Talmud, which records a number of interactions between Zoroastrians and Jews -- many of which suggest long discussions may have taken place without ever coming to any kind of theological agreement.

How does someone who practices Zoroastrianism reach salvation?

---- Salvation is not important to the people who practice Zoroastrianism. Or you could just ask SWOPE ----

What is monotheism?

Monotheism is a belief in only one God. Probably the earliest formal monotheistic religion was Zoroastrianism, in which the God is known as Ahura Mazda ('Wise Lord'). Other monotheistic religions followed, including the monotheistic Egyptian religion briefly introduced by the Pharaoh Akhenaten, then Judaism, Christianity and Islam, among others.There is some evidence of quite early monotheistic worship of a fertility goddess in pre-historic times.

How dis dollar diplomacy help prevent costly wars?

It spread American influence through business.

What religions are related to Zoroastrianism?

Zoroastrianism was minorly influenced by the Jewish scriptures while the Jews were in exile. There was also some later influence from the New Testament writings which can be seen in the appearance of doctrines involving resurrection and judgement. Apart from this, the relation between the Abrahamic religions and Zoroastrianism is superficial.

Is Zoroastrianism a monotheistic or polytheistic religion?

No, Parsis (Zoroastrians) believe in one supreme deity named Ahura Mazda. They also believe in an equivalent to the Christian idea of Satan, named Angra Mainyu. Adherents of Zoroatrianism believe that these two figures are almost as powerful. Ahura Mazda is believed to be more powerful. Zoroastrianism's moral tenants are based on the idea that followers must choose a side in this battle of good and evil. This battle is always tilted in Ahura Mazda's favor. Think of it like the Harlem Globetrotters. Although it's always a good game, the home team always comes out on top.

What are some differences between Judaism and Zoroastrianism?

The major difference is that the Abrahamic theologies (Judaism etc) and Zoroastrianism assert that a soul occupies just one body in its entire existence but the Brahmanic theologies (Indian) assert that a soul continuously moves through cycles of birth, death, heaven, hell and rebirth.

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It was expressed through practical scientific experimentation.