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Quadraple Alliance

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Q: What military alliance of Germany Austria Hungary Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (turkey) ww1?
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Who did Bulgaria have an alliance with in World War 1?

Germany, Austria, Turkey

Which country eventually joined the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria Hungary?


Did Bulgaria form an alliance in World War I?

Bulgaria was part of the Central Powers, alongside with Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. It joined the alliance in October 1915.

What was the name of the alliance in WW I of Germany and Austro-Hungary?

Prior to World War 1, the alliance between Germany, Austria, and Italy was known as the Triple Alliance, which formed into an alliance between Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.Prior to World War 2, Austria and Germany unified into a single German state in a process known as Anschluß, or unification.

Which countries were on the Germans side in World War 1?

The Triple Alliance, aka The Central Powers. The main alliance included Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary. The Ottoman Empire also sided with Germany. Towards the end of the war, Italy joined the Entente and ceded from The Triple Alliance.

What was the name of the alliance made up of Germany Austria Hungary Ottoman empire and Bulgaria?

They were part of the alliance known as the Central Powers. When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by the Black Hand Gang, who worked for Serbia, Ferdinand's uncle, Emperor of Austria, declared war on Serbia along with Germany and several other countries. This was what started the first World War.

Which country was a member of central powers during world war 1?

At the beginning of the war, the Central Powers included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. This was known as the Quadruple Alliance.

When did Germany and Austria-hungry create an alliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy formed an alliance in 1888.

Which group of nations formed central powers?

In World war 1 the central powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman empire. Italy was initially part of that alliance ("triple alliance") but because it switched side to the Entente, in order to conquer some territory from Austria.

Who was the tripple alliance?

The Triple Alliance was a military alliance formed in 1882 between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. It was primarily aimed at countering the threat posed by France and Russia in Europe. The alliance played a role in World War I as Germany and Austria-Hungary were central powers fighting against the Triple Entente (France, Britain, and Russia).

What is the central power?

it was an alliance including Germany

What alliance was defeated?

In World War I, the Allies fought the Central Powers. The Central Powers (Germany, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, and Austria-Hungary) were defeated.