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Q: What literary technique is demonstrated by friar Lawrence sharing information about the ways a plant can both heal and kill with romeo?
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What literary technique does Kafka use in this sentence?

Kafka uses the literary technique of metaphor in this sentence.

Which literary technique is used in the secretary handed the judge the original documents?

An oxymoron is the literary technique that is used.

Which literary technique is used in revolving parts of a dialogue to both keep hidden and to uncover information?

Foreshadowing is the literary technique used in dialogues to reveal hints or clues about upcoming events while keeping certain details hidden. This technique creates suspense and maintains readers' interest in uncovering what will happen next.

What literary technique is used when the audience knows something that character does not know?

Dramatic Irony

What is the literary term for returning to an earlier point in time?

Flashback. This literary technique is used to provide background information or context to the story by transporting the reader back to a previous event or time period.

The conceit is a literary technique most often associated with?

Conceit is a literary technique that involves the use of a very complex metaphor. It is most often used in poetry.

Which literary technique do the lines demonstrate?

I'm happy to help! Could you please provide the lines you're referring to so I can accurately identify the literary technique being used?

What literary technique is used to refer to the Ides of March?


What is the literary technique of The mistake caused a deafening silence throughout the room?

The literary technique in this sentence is personification, where the mistake is given human-like qualities of causing a deafening silence. This technique helps create a vivid and impactful image for the reader.

The conceit is a literary technique most often associated with what poetry?


Is personification a language technique?

I'd call it a literary tool or device.

Another common plot pattern is a literary technique that reveals information about a character's past or a past event and which Edgar Allan Poe uses in ''The Tell-Tale Heart''?

Flashback is the literary technique used by Edgar Allan Poe in "The Tell-Tale Heart" to reveal information about the past events and the character's past. Through the protagonist's recounting of events that lead to the murder, readers gain insight into the character's motives and mental state. This technique adds depth to the story and allows readers to understand the protagonist's descent into madness.