

What layer of earth is right under the ocean?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What layer of earth is right under the ocean?
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Layer of the crust has a average of thickness of 5 miles?

Sounds right to me. Also remember that the earth's crust is thicker under the continents (land) than under the ocean where it becomes thinner.

What layer is thinnest under ocean and thickest in the mountains?

The Earth's crust is thinnest under the oceans and thickest in the mountains.

What is the layer under the earth's mantle called?

the layer under the mantle layer is the outer core

Which of earth's layers include the land that makes up the continents and the land under the ocean?

This is the crust, which is the very thin layer which has land and water.

The thinnest layer of the earth's crust can be found under where?

The thinnest layer of the Earth's crust can be found underwater.

Is it possible to find a shark on Google Earth?

It's not very likely but even a swimming shark was caught in satellite imagery found in Google Earth. One such instance was found in images taken for Google Earth on Australia Day in 2007.You can find shark-related content in some of Google provided layers and in the Google Earth Gallery.Check out the Ocean layer in Google Earth, which includes National Geographic, Cousteau Ocean World, and Animal Tracking. This layer may include a geo-registered photo or video clip of sharks. For example, the Animal Tracking layer under Ocean layer includes tracking of Great White sharks.

What layer of the earth does geothermal energy come from?

it is hot water from under the earth it is about 4,ooo mile under the earth

Is the earth's crust thicker under the mountains or under the ocean?


What is the layer of rock under Earth's surface called?

the crust

How thick is the Earth's crust under the whole world?

Approximately eight miles deep, thinner in some spots in the ocean by up to two miles, our top layer of "crust" gives way to a molten rock layer called the "mantle."

Is the earth crust thicker under the continent or the ocean?

Earth's crust is far thicker under the continents.

What is the earth's layer of solid rock that flows under pressure?

The solid layer of the earth that can still flow is called the asthenosphere. This layer is located in the mantle of the earth the layer below the upper crust and lithosphere, home of the tectonic plates.