

What language influenced the old English language?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Norman French influenced it heavily from 1066 onward, and eventually turned it into Middle English.

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Q: What language influenced the old English language?
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What languages influenced the language of old English?

The English language was based off Germanic languages (from the Anglo-Saxons mainly) and the French language.

How has the French language influenced the English language?

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French. After the Norman conquest French had such a impact on the English language that Middle English looks nothing like Old English, because we adopted and adapted so many of their words!

Which language most heavily influenced English during the middle English period?

French. After the Norman conquest French had such a impact on the English language that Middle English looks nothing like Old English, because we adopted and adapted so many of their words!

What is the difference between old English and modern English?

There are a great deal of differences. Old English is a Germanic language; Modern English is largely influenced by the French language, the great vowel shift etc. As a speaker of Modern English, one would have great difficulties in reading Old English texts.For more information, you could read Barbara Fennell's 'A History of English', for example.

How was chaucers language different to old English?

Chaucer's language, Middle English, was a transition between Old English and Modern English. It featured changes in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation that made it more familiar to speakers of Modern English. Chaucer's writing helped standardize English and influenced the development of the language.

When and how did old Norse influence old English?

In 1598, old Norse influenced old English with great cooking and independance.

What language was spoken in England in Chaucer's time?

In Chaucer's time, Middle English was the language spoken in England. It was a transitioning period between Old English and Modern English, and during this time, English was heavily influenced by French due to the Norman Conquest.

What language does English come from?

The English language has its roots in Anglo-Saxon, old French, old German and Latin.

Is English language originated from the french?

English is not directly descended from French, but it is heavily influenced by it. French is a romance language, meaning is is a direct descendent of Latin, the language of ancient Rome. English, on the other hand is a Germanic language, related to German, Dutch, and the Scandinavian languages. In 1066, a Norman French army invaded and conquered England. Over the next few centuries, the Old English spoken by the lower class was heavily influenced by the French-speaking rulers. As much as 60% of modern English vocabulary is traced to this French influence. However, the structure of English remained Germanic.

What language does the word hair originate form?

The Early English word was 'haer'. This was similar to old German and Dutch as 'haar' and old Norse as 'har'. Some time later the English word changed to 'haire'. The modern spelling is influenced by the 'haire' spelling