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Q: What kind of shift would you see if a light was moving away from you?
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Do galaxies moves away from the sun by red shift?

Galaxies that are moving away from the sun are red shifted, that is the light from them looks more red to us that it is when it is emitted. This is due to the speed of the galaxy moving away from which in effect stretches out the wavelengths of the light. Red shift is not the method by which galaxies move away from the sun, rather, it is a consequence of it.

How is light red shifted?

Red shift works when galaxies or other bodies are moving father away. the light is stretched, ie it becomes redder. Blue shift is opposite.

What happen to the spectrum of a star moving toward the earth away from the earth?

If a star is moving towards Earth. The light is seen as 'blue shifted'. As we look at our sun, on the colour spectrum, black lines appear. When looking at distant stars, we can tell if they are moving away from us (Red shift) or getting closer to us (Blue shift). This is because the black lines shift to the red or blue end of the spectrum depending on which direction the star is travelling.

What you get when stars are moving away?

When stars or galaxies are moving away from the observer, you will notice a redder shift in the color of the body.

When the wavelength of a spectral line emitted from an object increases which end of the visible light spectrum does not move toward and what is the objects motion relative to earth?

Increasing wavelength is an indication of a Doppler shift caused by an object moving away from the viewer. Longer wavelengths (of the visible spectrum) are redder, shorter wavelengths are bluer. Objects moving away from you have a red shift, objects moving toward you have a blue shift.

Related questions

Would a light source moving away from Earth appear blue shifted or red shifted?

A red shift indicates an object that is moving away from the observer, and a blue shift indicates an object that is moving toward the observer. Both of these are called Doppler shifts.

A red shift in the spectrum of the light from an object indicates the object is moving where?

away from the observer.

When light waves are stretched by an object moving away from us?

Doppler effect Red Shift

An apparent shift in the wavelength of light emmited by a light source moving toward or away from an observer is known as?

The Doppler Effect.

Do galaxies moves away from the sun by red shift?

Galaxies that are moving away from the sun are red shifted, that is the light from them looks more red to us that it is when it is emitted. This is due to the speed of the galaxy moving away from which in effect stretches out the wavelengths of the light. Red shift is not the method by which galaxies move away from the sun, rather, it is a consequence of it.

How is light red shifted?

Red shift works when galaxies or other bodies are moving father away. the light is stretched, ie it becomes redder. Blue shift is opposite.

What are differences in colors of moving objects in space that are approaching and moving objects that are moving away?

Objects moving toward you will have a blue shift in their spectrum and objects moving away from you will have a red shift in their spectrum. This is known as a doppler shift.

What is the definition of redshift?

Due to the Doppler effect, the faster a body moves away from you the larger its wavelength - meaning it tends to get more red. It was discovered that the further away a galaxy is from us, it is moving faster. So large redshift means a galaxy that is very far away.

What is red shift inti?

When galaxies move away from us, the waves of light stretch out- ie, they become redder. The greater the red shift, the faster the galaxies are moving away from us.

Why the red shift in light from distant galaxies indicate that the universe is expanding?

Red shift is observed in the spectrum of light from an object when it is moving away from the observer. Most astronomical objects display a red shift in their light. Also, the red shift is greater for objects which are further away. For this to happen - in all directions, the universe must be expanding.

What turns red in the red shift?

light is put into a spectrum from red to blue. red shift is when a star is moving away from us so fast that the light waves stretch moving it up the spectrum, so up towards infared

When a source of light approaches an observer the light appears to be than it actually is?

Blue shifted and when it is moving away it is under a red shift.