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Any and all the living cells of the dermis can become cancerous,

but the worst are the melanin (color) cells [melanoma]

{because they tend to be malignant, invasive, and fast spreading}.

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In your skin, you have epithelial cells. In fact, multiple layers and even specialized cells such as keritinized epithelial cells on the surface. You can wiki "epithelium" for more details.

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Q: What type of cell does skin cancer cells develop from?
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Squamous cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer. It is the uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells .Squamous cell is a type of nonmelanoma skin cancer.

What is basal carcinoma?

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What does skin cancer mean?

Skin cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in skin cells. There are several types of skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and other types. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer worldwide. The main cause is overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight. The best defense for skin cancer is to avoid overexposure to sunlight. Early detection of skin cancer increases chances for a more successful recovery.

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What are the kinds of cancer and what are the types of cancer?

Breast cancer lung cancer and cirvical cancer and vaginal cancer There are more than 200 different types of cancer. You can develop cancer in any body organ. There are over 60 different organs in the body where a cancer can develop. Each organ is made up of several different types of cells. For example, there is usually a surface covering of skin or epithelial tissue. Underneath that there will be some connective tissue, often containing gland cells. Underneath that there is often a layer of muscle tissue and so on. Each type of tissue is made up of specific types of cells. Cancer can develop from almost any type of cell in the body. So there is usually more than one type of cancer that can develop in any one part of the body. Often though, one type of cancer will be much more common in a particular organ. For example, there are lining cells called squamous cells and gland cells called adenomatous cells in the lungs. So you can have squamous cell cancer of the lung and also adenocarcinoma of the lung. Treatment is worked out depending on the type of cancer. So if you are looking for information about treating your type of cancer it is important to know

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A well-differentiated invasive squamous cell carcinoma is a skin cancer whose cells look relatively normal. As it is invasive, the cancer is a multi skin layer cancer, and is capable of spreading to other organs.

What kind of stem cells can develop into any kind of cells in the human body?

Cells up to 8 cell stage in human embryo can develop in any kind of cell in body. Inner cell mass in blastocyst can develop into any kind of cell in human body.

Does tanning lotion give you cancer?

No tanning lotion works by moisturizing your skin and returning the vitamins and nutrients that are removed when you are sweating while tanning. You get Skin Cancer or Melanoma in tanning beds by the amounts of UVA and UVB.

What cancer is the non spreading skin cancer?

Basal cell skin cancer generally does not spread (although it has in some rare cases). Squamous cell skin cancer is typically not dangerous, although more agressive than basal cells. But any type of skin cancer should be removed as it can cause serious problems, and possibly lead to death in rare cases. Melanoma is the deadly one, but is curable early on.