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Something like these?

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14y ago

the fishes body form is made in to a shape of a football which makes it easier for the fish to move, there a shiny pillets on the fish which help the fish turn

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11y ago

A streamlined shape can allow the fish to have less friction in the water and allowing it to move faster and quicker

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Q: What kind of body shape helps a fish to overcome water resistance?
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What is the function of a rostrum in a shark?

It helps overcome water resistance in swimming.

What allows fish to overcome water resistance?

Their bodies are streamline to help them swim through water quickly against water resistance (a force) . What pushes them backwards is water resistance

Does a penguin have webbed feet?

Yes they do and it is used for swimming.Extra:Their streamlined body shape also helps them swim faster in water as it reduces the water resistance (also known as friction) between the water and the penguin.

Why is a boat the shape it is?

The characteristics of water flow determine the shape of the hull; mainly resistance and turbulence.

Why is the body shape of a fish important?

It is streamlined so the pressure of the water on its scales are kept to a minimum.

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air resistance can be reduced by making the object that takes the air resistance stremlined. this means to make the object into a certain shape that alowes air to flow over the same is done in water but with a different shape

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Fish use their fins and tail to propel forward. Also, the streamlined shape of their bodies overcome water resistance, allowing them to move easier and quicker.

Does the blubber helps the walrus to lower water resistance?

No it helps keep them warm though!

How does water helps shape landform?

erodes land

How does the streamlined body of the fish help in swimming?

it helps in reducing resistance in water

How does the shape a perch's stomach help it to do its job?

The shape of a perch's stomach helps it to digest its food easily. It's shape also helps it to swim effortlessly through the water.

Do dolphins have streamlined bodies?

yes ... its helps it to swim through water-resistance