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Your asss crack jajajajajaja

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Q: What kind of baby bird has yellow and black feathers totally black beak and fits into your hand and is local to south Africa?
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What bird has a yellow and black tail feathers with yellow veins in the feathers?

we are asking is there not a baby bird with yellow veins in its feathers

What colors are emperor penguins?

Their dorsal parts are black and sharply delineated from the white belly, pale-yellow breast and bright-yellow ear patches.- Black webbed feet with claws.- Black feathers- White feathers with some yellow behind the neck- Black bill with a yellow orange streak- Yellow patch of feathers behind eyes

What color is Thunderbird?

It is black yellow and purple in its feathers. Plus it has a yellow- orange beak

What is a black and yellow feather called?

There is no special name for coloured feathers.

What is the physical description of a cardinal?

Cardinals have red feathers, a yellow beak, black claws, a black mask-like thing of feathers around their eyes, and... that's it.

Bird smaller than an eastern bluebird with brighter blue feathers with black on wings?

The Indigo Bunting has bright blue feathers with black on the wings.

What east African bird has a crown of spindly yellow feathers and a face that is half pink and half black?

The yellow-crowned African crane

What does lily-white mean?

Not black, red, yellow, or half of those....totally white.

What bird has a black body yellow cap and white on its wings and tail?

It sounds like you are probably talking about the American Goldfinch. They have black feathers on most of their head, yellow bodies, and black and white feathers on their wings.

Bird with Red Face brown body white neck Black and yellow feathers on wings?

It is a male Goldfinch.

What is an black and white native wading bird?

A white ibis is mostly white with black wingtips. snowy egrets have white feathers and have black bills/beaks and legs with yellow feet.

What is the duration of Black Feathers?

The duration of Black Feathers is 1.58 hours.