

What kind of a cell do plants have?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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A plant cell

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Q: What kind of a cell do plants have?
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This kind of cell has a large central vacuole and a cell wall.?

They are in plant cells.They are together only in plants.

What kind of cell contains a mitochondria and a chloroplast?

A plant cell. (which usually has more than one chloroplast) (and also, plants are eukaryotes)

What kind of cell is a central vacuole found in?

Central vacuoles are often found in plant cells. Plants need lots of water, and plants store water, so they have a large vacuole.

Do plants have a cell wall and no cell membrane?

plants have cell walls and cell mebranes

Do plants have cell membrane?

Plants have cell membranes just inside their cell walls. The cell membranes control what passes into and out of the cell.

Do plants have a cell wall?

Yes, plants have a cell wall, whereas animals have a cell membrane.

Why is cell division im important?

see... b'cuz cell division forms new cell in our body(or in animals or plants). Miotic cell division (a kind of cell divion in man n plants) forms more somatic cells. it helps in growth, replacing old, worn-out cell, etc. Meiosis cell division lead to the formation of gametes. thus, helping in sexual reproduction.

Do plants have cell walls?

yes, plants have cell walls but animal cells do not.

Animals and plants have this kind of cell?

animals have specific types of cells that are different than plant cells. Animal and plants both have Eukaryote Cells so I guess the answer to you question.