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Q: What jobs are convicted felons prevented from engaging in in Texas?
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Can felons get passports in Texas?

Most convicted felons CANNOT get a passport period!

Can felons get a passport in Texas?

Yes, felons can have a passport depending on the type of felony. Often, violent felonies or felonies that were international including drug trafficking will make it impossible to get a passport.

Where to find jobs for convicted felons in Houston Texas.?

labor ready. There are other labor pools in the city, be there around 5 a.m

Can a convicted felon work in a cafeteria in a Texas school?

No felon can work in a government position, including a school

Can a felon own a black power gun in Texas?

State law may allow gun and ammo possesion for convicted felons, but Federal law does not.

Why can't dog the bounty hunter carry a gun?

Because he is a convicted felon. He did a prison sentence in Texas and under federal law felons are prohibited from owning firearms.

Why is there a two year wait to vote after a felony sentence is complete in Texas?

In many states convicted felons NEVER recover their right to vote. If you can't do the time - don't do the crime!

Can a convicted felon obtain a handgun in Texas?

No. Felons are prohibited by federal law from owning or even possessing a handgun. It is possible, under some circumstances, for a felon to have his rights restored.Added: Actually . . . I believe that Texas MIGHT have some statute that DOES allow felons to possess firearms under very limited circumstances (e.g.: only in their residences) but have not researched the exact statute.

Who hires ex felons in Texas?


Can felons be a level 2 non commissioned security officer in Texas?

Yes, the Felons can be level II non-commissioned security officer in Texas.

Can a convicted felon become a CPA in Texas?

Short answer? Yes But it may be difficult, depending on the conviction and circumstances, to get the CPA board in Texas to agree that you are of "strong moral fiber". The board has the ultimate say on who can become a CPA, the felons are NOT specifically precluded from obtaining their license.