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Q: What is the word for strong contrasts of light and dark on an object?
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What does 'chiaroscuro' mean?

The technique of using light and shade in pictorial representation. Chiaro means light in Italian and Scuro means Dark in Italian. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chiaroscuro ( Italian: "light-dark") in art is characterized by strong contrasts between light and dark, usually bold contrasts affecting a whole composition.

What does chiascuro mean?

In Art chiascuro is strong contrasts between light and dark. the word itself comes from the Renaissance for 'drawing on colored paper'.

When light hits a dark object then light is absorbed?

When an object absorbs the light that hits it, the object appears dark.

Rembrandts most noticeable work feature was?

Chiaroscuro = the contrasts of light and dark.

What dark area made by an object blocks out light?

The dark area formed by an object that blocks out light is called a shadow.

What does tenebrism mean?

Tenebrism is a painting technique characterized by strong contrasts between light and dark areas to create a dramatic effect. It was prominently used by artists like Caravaggio in the 17th century Baroque period.

What type of art is Chiaroscuro considered to be?

Chiaraoscuro, an Italian word literally translated as 'light-dark' is generally a term used for strong light and dark contrasts in drawings, paintings and woodcuts. It originated in the renaissance era of art, but is also cited as having being traditionally employed in Late Roman Imperial Manuscripts.

Why do you think dark colored objects appear dark when light hits them?

dark object absorb more light than light colors

What will be the colour of a yellow object in a dark room while white light falls on it?

Black will be the color of a yellow object in a dark room while white light falls on it.

What will be the colour of a yellow object in a dark room while red light falls on it?

Green will be the color of a yellow object in a dark room while red light falls on it.

Can the color of an object depend on the light it reflects?

dark colors reflect less light and bright colors reflect more light that is why they are called dark and light

What are light type pokemon weak and strong against?

light type does not exist, but if such Type were real it's highly likely that Light would be strong against Dark and Ghost and weak against Dark.