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Q: What is the title of the book Rachel Carson wrote and what was it about?
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What was the title of the book Rachel Carson wrote In sixties?

Rachel Carson wrote the book "Silent Spring" in the 1960s. This groundbreaking book brought attention to the environmental impact of pesticides, particularly DDT, on wildlife and human health.

Who wrote the book how to study decapods?

rachel Carson

What did Rachel Carson do that was important?

She wrote Silent Spring. The first book about potential environmental disaster.

What are some details of Rachel Carson i don't know?

Rachel Carson was an ecologist who wrote a book called "The Silent Spring" which showed the negative aspects of pesticides on animals and the environment.

What is the book that Rachel Carson wrote about?

Rachel Carson wrote the book "Silent Spring," which was published in 1962. It is a groundbreaking work that exposed the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment, particularly on bird populations. Carson's work played a significant role in advancing the environmental movement and influencing the development of modern environmental policy.

What was the name of the book that discussed the dangers of pesticides?

Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, a book that discussed the dangers of pesticides.

Who was the Bioligest who wrote aboutthe dangers of dtt?

In 1962, Rachel Carson wrote about the dangers of the pesticide DDT in her book The Silent Spring.

What was Rachel Carson's greatest invention?

She didn't invent anything she wrote a book called silent spring

What book did Rachel Carson write on pollution?

Rachel Carson wrote the book "Silent Spring" in 1962, which is a seminal work on the environmental impacts of pesticide use and pollution, particularly related to the harmful effects on birds and other wildlife.

What book did Rachel Carson write?

Rachel Carson wrote the book "Silent Spring," which was published in 1962. It is a landmark work that brought attention to the dangers of pesticides, particularly DDT, on the environment and human health. Carson's book is credited with launching the modern environmental movement.

Who was Rachel L. Carson?

Rachel Carson was a bioligest, and author of best selling books. Rachel origonally was going to become a writer, but switched her major to science. Rachel wrote a book (silent spring) that told of how dangerous DDT and other chemicals were. Many companies got very mad at Rachel Carson, some even called her hysterical.

Who discovered the risks of pesticide DDT?

Rachel Carson in her book Silent Spring