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in the state of Alabama when it is a misdemeanor looks like the prosecutors can do what they damm well please. this is normal. almost all local courts are nothing more than collection agents it is an ambush tactic used everywhere. your lawyer will do nothing because his or her primary goal is not to irritate the judge in any way. they are more concerned with getting you into a program or having you put on probation to make friends with the judge ane the whole system. there is no more justice in america unless you have big wads of cash.

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Q: What is the timeframe a prosecutor has to give your attorney discovery information?
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What rules are designed to make a prosecutor and a defendants attorney work together?

The rule of "discovery."

Procedure where prosecutors and defense counsel share information?

Yes they will share information on the case. The prosecutor has to provide copies of all the evidence to the defending attorney. And there is additional requirement that other information must be shared.

What is another word for prosecutor?

Well another words for prosecutor are DA, district attorney, prosecuting attorney, etc.

What is the abbreviation for prosecutor?

The abbreviation for prosecutor or prosecuting attorney is PA.

Who prosecute District Attorney for crime?

A special prosecutor would be appointed. It is normally a prosecutor from a neighboring area, or an experienced defense attorney.

Who does the prosecutor report to?

The overall 'boss' of a state prosecutor is the State's Attorney General. The prosecutors office is part of the Executive Branch of government - not the Judicial Branch.

Who is the chief prosecutor for the state?

Attorney General

What is a deal made between the prosecutor and defense attorney called?

A plea bargain is one type of deal made between prosecutor and defense attorney.

Notice of intent to participate in discovery?

Discovery is the process by which the defense attorney investigates the allegations contained within the information. Discovery also serves as the trial preparation. Once a "not guilty" plea has been entered, the defendant should file a notice of intent to participate in discovery with the office of the prosecutor. This requires that the prosecutor turn over any and all materials which are relevant to either guilt or innocence. The prosecutor or State has an affirmative duty to continue to provide the defendant with the names and addresses of all relevant witnesses, including criminal records of those witnesses. Additionally, the prosecutor must provide the defendant with any written or recorded statements of the defendant or a co-defendant. Essentially, the State must provide any witnesses or material that is relevant to the crime that the accused is facing prosecution for. The Defendant also has a discovery obligation, however this obligation is only triggered if the defendant informs the State of his intent to participate in discovery.

Who does the prosecuting attorney answer to?

how does a prosecutor lawyer defind a client

What is the antonym of attorney?

Criminal, thug, fugitive, prosecutor.

Define crown prosecutor?

a crown prosecutor is basically the British version of our prosecutor or district attorney who work for the government and the people by investigating and trying criminal cases