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stratum corneum with 20-30 layers

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Q: What is the thickest stratum?
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What is the thickest layer?

The mantle is the thickest layer of the earth.

What is the name of the thickest layer of epidermis?

The Stratum Germinativum is the deepest layer of the dermis also known as the Stratum Basale.

What is the correct order for the layers of epidermis from outermost to deep?

Stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum,stratum lucidum & stratum corneum

What is the stratum corneum?

The stratum corneum is the thickest layer of the epidermis and the outermost layer of the skin. This layer contains almost entirely dead cells which are free of a nucleus and lacking most organelles. These cells are useful for protection of the deeper layers of the skin, as well as aiding water reabsorption. They are constantly being rubbed away by life and being replaced by the stratum germinativum. epidermal layer

The Stratum Corneum sits deep to the Stratum Basale?

The stratum corneum is superficial to the stratum basale. The stratum basale is deep to the stratum corneum.

What is the singular form of stratum?

"Stratum" is the singular.If you have a stratum and I have another stratum, then together we have two strata .

Layer of the epidermis that is constantly undergoing mitosis is called?

the stratum basale aka germinitivium is the stratum that has miotic division of cells and there is some cell production in the stratum spinosum as well

What are the skin layers from inside to outside?

Stratum Corneum Stratum Lucidum Stratum Granulsum Stratum Spinosum Stratun Basle

Which is the most complex layer of the skin?

The epidermis is a layer of skin. The epidermis has 5 layers (additional layer is stratum lucidum) on the palms of the hands and the soles of the foot. On other parts of the skin, the epidermis has 4 layers. The thickest layer of the epidermis is stratum spinosum (the second bottom layer).

What mitotic cells are filled with an intermediate filaments?

Stratum Granulosum NO. The correct answer is Stratum Spinosum. Mitotic cells produced by the Stratum Basale move out to the Stratum Spinosum. You can find several layers of keratinocytes with thick bundles of intermediate filaments.

What is the singular form for stratum?

"Stratum" is the singular form of stratum. The plural form is "strata".

What is another name for stratum basale?

stratum germinativum is also know as stratum basale