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Q: What is the term of something moving in only one direction?
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Why can velocity be negative or positive?

Yes, "velocity" is a vector so it not only has magnitude but also direction. By convention, an object moving from left-to-right or upward is moving in a positive direction while an object moving right-to-left or downward is moving in a negative direction. "Speed" is a related term but it is a scalar. As such, it has only magnitude. A speed cannot be negative.

What is vector and resultant velocity?

A vector is used to represent direction and magnitude of speed. Velocity is the speed of an object and a specification of its direction of motion. Speed describes only how fast an object is moving, whereas velocity gives both how fast and in what direction the object is moving. Therefore a vector can be used to represent a velocity. The term "resultant velocity" implies a change in velocity which can be determined using vector analysis.

What is a involuntary wave of muscle that keep food moving in one direction?

The term peristalsis is used to describe the movement of smooth muscle in one direction. This is rather slow and is not controlled by thought like skeletal muscles.

Is it true or false that velocity only describes the direction in which the object is moving?

Technically, the term velocity means how fast and in what direction is a given object moving; knowing the velocity is certainly part of calculating how long it takes to get from one place to another, but you also have to know how far apart those places are. If two locations are 100 miles apart, and you can drive that distance at 50 miles per hour, then the trip takes two hours.

What is the force called when a car corners?

G-Force. Scientific term is also Inertia. This is the force of your body moving in one direction but being pulled in another.

Do motion has a direction?

One Direction ==================== Your question is irrelevant as it describes a state of a substance. It is merely the term for a body's relative change in position with respect to its surroundings. Only physical quantities can have direction. Physical quantities being only the vector quantities.

What is meant by the term momentum trading?

The term 'momentum trading' means buying stocks that are moving in one direction quickly. They buy the stocks in large numbers and hold onto them for a few minutes, hours or days.

Why can't we use the term velocity limit on roads?

We can, but it is fairly redundant. The only component that is limited is the speed, not the direction, so it is pointless to say that we have not limited the direction and thus we only say the 'speed limit'.

What is the measure in distance and direction?

In physics, distance is the unit which only has magnitude and not the directions.Hence,the term used for the measurement of distance and direction together is known as displacement.Distance is a scalar quantity.Distance + direction =Displacement .It is a vector quantity.

What is the term used to describe the moving of the continents?


What is velocity the same as?

Velocity is a relative term. If we call that the object is moving and in particular direction, then there must be another object present, from witch it is moving away. and we can not say, witch object is moving away. If all object maintain the same position in respect to each other then, we will call them to have zero velocity.

What do we call the tendency of a object to stay at rest or to stay in motion?

We use the term inertia to describe the resistance of an object to any change in its motion. If an object is not moving, it doesn't want to move. If it is moving, it doesn't want to change is speed or the direction it is moving. This is covered by Newton in his laws of motion.