

Best Answer

abuse, affront, aspersion, black eye, blasphemy, cheap shot, contempt, contumely, derision, despite, discourtesy, disdainfulness, disgrace, disrespect, ignominy, impertinence, impudence, incivility, indignity, insolence, invective, libel, mockery, obloquy, offense, opprobrium, outrage, put-down, rudeness, scorn, scurrility, shame, slam, slander, slap, slap in the face, slight, snub, superciliousness, taunt, unpleasantry, vilification, vituperation

aggravate, annoy, blister, curse, cut to the quick, debase, degrade, deride, dishonor, disoblige, dump on, flout, gird, humiliate, injure, irritate, jeer, libel, mock, outrage, pan, provoke, put down*, revile, ridicule, roast, scoff, slam*, slander, slight, sneer, snub, step on one's toes, taunt, tease, underestimate, vex

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Q: What is the synonym for insult?
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What is the synonym for derision?

Insult, disrespect

Is chump a synonym of friend?

No. Chum is a synonym of friend. Chump is a mild insult

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Is dumb a insult?

Not necessarily. Technically it means "unable to speak". However, it's come to be used as a synonym for "stupid", and is generally regarded as insulting.

What is a synonym for mock?

mimic, ridicule, deride, imitate, copy, counterfeit, impersonate, spoof, parody, insult, taunt, tease, make fun of

What is Drama Queen in French?

You could call a girl a comédienne, which literally is just a synonym for "actrice" (actress) but can be used as an insult for a girl who puts on emotions melodramatically.

When is the word gay correct?

It is correct when used to refer to a gay person. It is incorrect when used to refer to a straight person in order to insult them. It is also incorrect to use it as a synonym for stupid.

What part of speech is insult?

Insult is a noun (an insult) and a verb (to insult).

What is a synonym for the word indignantly?

Synonyms could include angrily, irately, furiously, resentfully, scornfully, bitterly, or heatedly. Indignation is usually an angry response to some offense, insult, or slight.

Is an insult a noun or verb?

The word 'insult' is both a noun (insult, insults) and a verb (insult, insults, insulting, insulted).Examples:Look, a two dollar tip. That is an insult. (noun)You can't insult someone with that large an ego. (verb)

Is the word insult a noun?

The word 'insult' is both a verb (insult, insults, insulting, insulted) and a noun (insult, insults). Example uses: Verb: Don't insult the cashier, she doesn't set the prices. Noun: The insult was not deserved and it hurt their feelings.

What is the opposite of an insult?

The opposite of an insult is a compliment.