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Q: What is the study of human cells from fertilization to birth is called?
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Related questions

What is the nine months of human development between fertilization and birth?

The term for the nine months of human development between fertilization and birth is called the gestation period.

When do organ begin to develop in human?

in the egg cell after fertilization...or after fertilization and before birth

Can it be possible for fertilization to happen outside the female human body?

Fertilization that happens outside the female body is called in-vitro fertilization. In this procedure, the ova is fertilized with the sperm in a laboratory.

What cells are eggs and sperm?

They are sex cells - the largest cells in the human body. They each contain 23 chromosomes, and when combined in fertilization they for 23 pairs of chromosomes, which grow to form a baby.

Where does fertilization?

The sperm usually fertilizes the egg in the Fallopian tubes. Then, the fertilized egg moves down to the uterus where it implants, causing pregnancy."The segment of the Fallopian Tube where fertilization commonly occurs is the ampulla."fallopian tubesIn the human body, fertilization of egg cells occur in the oviduct (also called the fallopian tube) of the female's reproductive system.

What are unspecialized human cells called?

They are called stem cells.

How does fertilization occurs in human?

In humans internal fertilization is found and it occurs during after intercourse when male ejaculated its sperm in female vagina and when one sperm cell fuse with ovum of female then fertilization occur and which produce an egg cell.

About how much long after fertilization do human cells lose totipotency?

5 to 7 days

What are the developmental stages that a human undergoes between fertilization and birth?

Well...this is a month by month guide but go to this website

What are Body cells that are 2n called?

Human body cells that are 2n are called "diploid"

What makes up the total human organism?

Cells are the one who make up the entire human organism,, because cells are the basic unit of life, ---ForgottenEunice

What are sperm egg cell?

They are sex cells - the largest cells in the human body. They each contain 23 chromosomes, and when combined in fertilization they for 23 pairs of chromosomes, which grow to form a baby.