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There is no purpose of the universe, or anything in it. We simply exist. Animals only exist to live, consume, reproduce, then die.

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Yes, a culture's set of beliefs about the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe is referred to as cosmology. Different cultures around the world have unique cosmologies that shape their understanding of existence and the world around them.

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Q: A culture set of beliefs about the cause nature and purpose of the universe is there?
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What non material culture is associated with agricultural technology?

Non-material culture associated with agricultural technology may include traditional farming practices, knowledge passed down through generations, spiritual beliefs related to the land and nature, and rituals or ceremonies that mark planting or harvest seasons. These cultural aspects can influence how agricultural tools are used and how farming techniques are carried out within a community.

What do anthropologists mean when they say culture?

Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, behaviors, and traditions of a group of people. It encompasses everything that a society creates and passes down from one generation to the next, shaping their way of life and worldview. Anthropologists study culture to understand how it influences human behavior and shapes social practices.

What does the indigenous symbols mean?

Indigenous symbols often hold deep cultural and spiritual significance specific to the tribe or community that created them. They can represent elements of nature, stories, beliefs, or rituals passed down through generations. It is important to respect the context and interpretation of these symbols within the culture they come from.

Identify and describe the culture of the indigenous people of the Philippines?

The indigenous people of the Philippines, collectively known as the Lumad, have diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. They have strong ties to their land and practice various indigenous beliefs and rituals. Their communities are often organized around kinship and have a deep connection to nature and spirituality.

Why is urban and rural important to the US culture?

Urban areas are key centers of innovation, diversity, and economic activity, while rural areas are often associated with traditional values, natural resources, and agriculture. Both urban and rural areas contribute unique elements to the rich tapestry of US culture, shaping its values, beliefs, and way of life. The coexistence of urban and rural communities reflects the diverse and dynamic nature of American society.

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It's a law of nature - the way our Universe works. Whether there is a purpose in the laws of nature... Well, that depends whether you believe whether the Universe was made by God, or by random chance. Perhaps the Universe is more organized that way. In any case, this law is closely related to some other laws, such as conservation of energy, and conservation of momentum.

What is the main. purpose of conservation?

It's a law of nature - the way our Universe works. Whether there is a purpose in the laws of nature... Well, that depends whether you believe whether the Universe was made by God, or by random chance. Perhaps the Universe is more organized that way. In any case, this law is closely related to some other laws, such as conservation of energy, and conservation of momentum.

Why was Judaism considered a religion?

Because it fits the dictionary-definition of a religion:"A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as creation by supernatural cause, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing conduct.2. A specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects."

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