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Q: What is the sequence of events that follow a threshold potential?
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How does a nerve impulse follow the all or nothing principle?

The action action potential produced needs to reach the threshold for the AP to be propagated. If it doesn't reach the threshold, there is not enough Na+ to stimulate the positive feedback system which allows the action potential to be self-propagated. Instead, K+ channels will be opened, and it will enter repolarisation phase, and the AP wll not be conducted.

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sequence of events...

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Fairy tales such as "Cinderella," "Snow White," and "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" teach sequence by presenting events in a chronological order. These stories follow a structured beginning, middle, and end, guiding readers through the progression of events in a logical manner. The clear sequence of events helps to establish the plot and engage readers in the narrative.

Where in the story's sequence of events is the narrator of the War of the Worlds as he begins to tell the story?

the end -Apex

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In a story, causal events typically follow a logical progression where each event is directly influenced by the preceding one. This sequence helps to drive the plot forward and create a coherent narrative. The causal events in a story establish cause-and-effect relationships that lead to the development of characters and the resolution of conflicts.

What does sequence mean in reading?

In reading, the term "sequence" refers to the order in which events or information are presented in a text. Understanding the sequence helps readers follow the flow of the story or argument and comprehend how one event or idea leads to another. Sequencing can also involve identifying chronological order or cause and effect relationships within a text.

What is the difference between a compound action potential and a single action potential?

Single action potentials follow the "all or none" rule. That is, if a stimulus is strong enough to depolarize the membrane of the neuron to threshold (~55mV), then an action potential will be fired. Each stimulus that reaches threshold will produce an action potential that is equal in magnitude to every other action potential for the neuron. Compound action potentials do not exhibit this property since they are a bundle of neurons and have different magnitudes of AP's. Thus compound action potentials are graded. That is, the greater the stimulus, the greater the action potential.

How do nerve impulses follow th all-or-nothing principle?

The action action potential produced needs to reach the threshold for the AP to be propagated. If it doesn't reach the threshold, there is not enough Na+ to stimulate the positive feedback system which allows the action potential to be self-propagated. Instead, K+ channels will be opened, and it will enter repolarisation phase, and the AP wll not be conducted. AND ALL YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE MAKE A RUNESCAPE ACCOUNT ! #1 MMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND DONT DO PRIVATE SERVERS THEY SUCK

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This is called a sequence and if we add the numbers in that sequence it is called a series.

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The next film in a sequence

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