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Scientific Name: Pipa pipa

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Q: What is the scientific name for the Surinam toad?
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Related questions

How does a Surinam toad survive?

food and water

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Surinam Cherry?

The scientific name would be Eugenia uniflora.

How long is incubation or gestation of a surinam toad?

about a week

What frog has a baby grow on its back?

The female Surinam toad lays her eggs in water, they are fertilized by the male and then attach to her back. The eggs form into little chambers on her back and grow until the baby frogs are fully developed. They then hatch from the mothers' back.

How much does a surinam toad weigh?

100 to 160 grams

What is the scientific name of the toad?

That depends on the type of toad. Generally, the scientific name is Bufo. Toad is just the Genus of the name. The format is Bufo (species name.) (Example: An American toad is Bufo americanus. Climbing toads are Bufo coniferous.)

What is the condition of the surinam toad mother's back after birthing is done?

It has a lot of holes in it.

What is the scientific name for the spadefoot toad?


What species of frog has holes on its back?

Surinam toad.

What is the scientific name for the horned toad?

Ceratophrys ornata.

What is the scientific name for cane toads?

Best guess for Cane Toad Scientific name is Bufo marinus.

What is the scientific name of a ornate horned toad?

Ceratophrys ornata