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Hester Cheated on her husband, Roger Chillingworth, with Dimmesdale

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Hester is surprised and taken aback by Dimmesdale's sudden appearance in the forest. She is shaken by his gaunt and spiritually tormented appearance, which is a stark contrast to his public persona as a revered and respected minister.

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Describe the appearance of Hester prynne?

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What is dimmesdales initial reaction when Hester reveals chillingworths true identity?

Dimmesdale is shocked and horrified when Hester reveals Chillingworth's true identity as her estranged husband who has been posing as a physician. He feels guilty and conflicted because he had unknowingly allowed Chillingworth to care for him while concealing his true motives.

How did dimmesdale look when he met Hester?

Dimmesdale looked pale, weak, and worn out when he met Hester because of the burden of hiding their relationship and his guilt for not confessing his sins. His appearance reflected the inner turmoil he was experiencing.

For what sin is Hester Prynne condemned in The Scarlet Letter?

Hester Prynne is condemned for committing adultery in The Scarlet Letter. She is punished by having to wear a scarlet letter "A" on her clothing to signify her sin to the community.