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good I guess because Apollo was sun and Artemis was light and give me a break I'm only 12

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Apollo and Artemis are twins and both are counted among the twelve Olympians. They are the twin children of Zeus and Leto.

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Q: What is the relationship between Apollo and Artemis in pantheon?
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How much of an age difference is there between Artemis and Apollo?

Artemis and Apollo are twins, the children of Leto and Zeus, so they don't have much of an age difference. Most myths say that Artemis was born about one day before Apollo.

How do you make this sentence to interogative Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo?

Was Artemis the twin sister of Apollo.

Which Greek god was the twin brother of Artemis?

The twin brother of the goddess Artemis was Apollo. Their parents were Zeus (father) and Leto (mother).Artemis' twin brother was Apollo. She was born before him and became her mother's midwife. Their father is Zeus and their mother is Leto.

Who were Artemis perants'?

Artemis is the daughter of Leto and Zeus. Artemis is also the twin sister of Apollo.

Who were Apollo and Artemis?

Apollo and Diana were fraternal twins- one boy one girl but both born at same time. Zeus and Leto were their parents. They were born on the island of Delos. Artemis was born before Apollo and was her mother's midwife. Artemis and Apollo were said to have a good sibling relationship. Diana's correct Greek name is Artemis. Diana is her Roman name. Artemis was goddess of the Hunt, the moon, virginity, the wild, and animals. Artemis was also the protector of virgins (whom many of her followers were), and animals. She is known as The Lady of Wild Things, The Huntress, The Mistress of Animals, and The Lady of the Wild. Apollo was the god of the sun, said to drive a chariot across the sky every morning that pulled the sun up. Apollo was also a god of the arts, such as music and dance. He was also the god of medicine and prophecies.

Related questions

What is the relationship between Zeus and Artemis in pantheon?

Zeus is the father of Artemis, both are Olympians. The mother of Artemis is Leto and her twin brother is Apollo.

What was the relationship between Artemis and Apollo?

Artemis and Apollo are twin siblings born from the goddess Leto and the god Zeus. Hope this helps!Apollo was Artemis' twin brother. They remained very close forever, and they were both associated with archery.

How many seconds between the birth of Artemis and Apollo?

It is said that Apollo came immediatly after Artemis.

How many gods are in the pantheon?

Twelve; Zeus Hera Demeter Poseidon Dionysus Hermes Apollo Artemis Aphrodite Ares Hephaestus Athena

What is Artemis' relationship with the rest of the Olympians?

She is the twin sister of Apollo and the daughter of Zeus.

How much of an age difference is there between Artemis and Apollo?

Artemis and Apollo are twins, the children of Leto and Zeus, so they don't have much of an age difference. Most myths say that Artemis was born about one day before Apollo.

Who were the twins children of Zeus?

Apollo and Artemis

How are Artemis and Apollo the same?

Artemis and Apollo are the same because their twins.

What are the names of gods from a Greek pantheon?

The twelve upon Olympus: Zeus Hera Poseidon Demeter Dionysus Hephaestus Athena Ares Aphrodite Artemis Apollo Hermes

What did Zeus gave Apollo and Artemis?

He gave Apollo the sun and Artemis the moon.

Who is the mother of Apollo and Artemis?

The mother of Apollo and Artemis was Leto. Their father was Zeus.

How are Artemis and Apollo related?

Artemis and Apollo are twins. They are the children of Zeus and Leto.