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Most patients with granuloma inguinale recover completely, although superinfected ulcers may require lengthy courses of medication. Early treatment prevents the complications associated with second- and third-stage infection.

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Q: What is the prognosis for granuloma inguinale patients?
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What is granuloma inguinale?

Granuloma inguinale is a sexually transmitted infection that affects the skin and mucous membranes of the anal and genital areas.

What is the most distinguishing characteristic of granuloma inguinale?

The most significant distinguishing characteristic of granuloma inguinale is the skin ulcer, which is larger than in most other diseases, painless, irregular in shape, and likely to bleed when touched.

How is granuloma inguinale spread?

Granuloma inguinale is spread primarily through heterosexual and male homosexual contact; however, its occurrence in children and sexually inactive adults indicates that it may also be spread by contact with human feces.

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