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This process would be evaporation (notice the "vapor" in evaporation)

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Q: What is the process by which molecules of liquid water escape into the air after becoming water vapor?
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What is it called when water molecules in liquid vapor escape into the air as water?

The process is known as evaporation, where water becomes a vapor and rises into the sky.

What is the process of a solid becoming a liquid?

the through which a solid becomes a liquid is known as fusion. No... Its Freezing..

What is the process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to a gaseous state?

Evaporation is the process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to the gaseous state.

How does temperature change during boiling?

The process that occurs during boiling of liquid is energizing of water molecules (H2O) to give them excessive energy for excitement to change their form to gas from liquid. This energy can be provided by heating and electric current. In the liquid state, atoms and molecules are bound together by strong intermolecular forces as compared to gases.While boiling a liquid we provide heat to the molecules whereby their kinetic energy is enhanced and they now have enough energy to overcome the cohesive forces and escape from the liquid surface hence changing into gas.This process is called evaporation.

What process of going from a gas to a liquid?

When something changes state from a liquid to a gas, evaporation or boiling has taken place. The difference might be that in evaporation, atoms or molecules of the substance "break free" of the liquid and become a gas. In boiling, there is enough heat present that the change is rapid.

Related questions

How Do Liquid Water Molecules Escape Into Gas State?

Evaporation is the process of water molecules in liquid water escape into the air as water vapor.

What is the process by which water molecules in liquid escape into the air as water vapor?


The process by which water molecules in liquid water escape into the air as water vapor is called?


Why evaporation takes place at all temperatures?

Evaporation is the process where some of a liquid becomes a gas at temperatures below the boiling point. In other words, its molecules escape the body of the liquid and move freely away, as a gas. An example is when water in a pan evaporates until there is no liquid left in the pan. The reason this happens is because some molecules have high enough energy to escape the surface tension of the liquid. Evaporation results in the liquid becoming cooler. Blowing on the liquid increases the evaporation.

Why can liquid boil at low pressure?

it becomes easier for the molecules to escape

Why do liquids in sealed containers evaporate?

the liquid is exposed to the air thus allowing the temp of environment to raise its ambient temperature.When this happens the surface molecules of the liquid vibrate more rapidly than the rest of the liquid. This process excites the surface molecules sufficiently enough to increase their energy levels to such that they escape the covalent bonds kno more liquid in the vessel.eeping them bound to other molecules around them,thus allowing the to escape into the atmosphere.Then the next layer of molecules get acted on in the same manner until eventually there is

What is the process of becoming a liquid?

If it's a solid to liquid, the process is melting.If it's a gas to liquid, the process is condensation.

What is the hypothesis describing the behavior of molecules when a substance changes from a gas to a liquid?

The molecules will become closer together when becoming a liquid.

Why can liquid boil at a low pressure?

Reducing the air pressure allows the molecules to escape

What happens when liquid water molecules escape from the surface enter into what?


When a liquid is at room temperature a few molecules escape into the air by what?


Condensation refers to what conversion?

Condensation is the process of a vapor becoming a liquid. The term condensation can also be used as a noun to describe the liquid that is the outcome of the process of a vapor becoming a liquid.