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Q: What is the name of the tissue that attaches the muscle to the skin in a frog?
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Name the tough connective tissue that ties the gastrocnemiusmuscle to the calcaneus bone?

The Achilles tendon attaches the gastrocnemius muscle to the calcaneus.

What is a fibrous cord that attaches muscle to bone?

Ligaments are the fibrous connective tissue that holds bones in a joint together.

What is the name of the tissue in are stomach?

muscle tissue, the muscle is called smooth muscle

What is a voluntary muscle tissue?

This is muscle tissue that you have to think to make it move. Another name for it is skeletal muscle.

Name of frog's calf muscle?


Name the type of muscle tissue found in your heart?

the type of tissue which is found in our heart in cardiac muscle

Why is a muscle considered a tissue?

Muscle fiber (myofiber) is the cell, muscle tissue is the type of tissue, lots of muscle tissue and some connective tissue is a muscle organ, and those muscle organs are all parts of the muscle system. All have the same name but mean different types when it is clarified in to the anatomical units.

What is the name of the muscle in the brain?

Though sometimes, some people refer to the brain as a muscle, it really is not a muscle. It is made of completely different types of tissues than a muscle. There are four kinds of tissues in the body; connective tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. The brain is made entirely of nervous tissue and contains no muscle tissue what-so-ever.

What is the connective tissue layer called that is around the muscle fibers?

Muscle fiber is another name for muscle cell. And each one is wrapped in connective tissue that is called endomysium.

What is the Name for smooth muscle coat of uterine tissue?


What is the name of the loose areole connective tissue covering of an individual muscle fiber?

The endomysium is the correct answer.Endomysium is the name of the fine connective tissue sheath that surrounds each individual muscle fiber.

What is another name for striated muscle tissue?

You can say skeletal muscles.